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Fish 'N Fins TV
We're building and deploying live-streaming underwater cameras in 2025. Support us by supporting our upcoming crowd-funding campaign.

Montserrat Marine Megafauna Project
The research goals are to identify the presence and diversity of megafauna and establish baseline data to inform local marine management in Montserrat.
Who we are
Fish 'N Fins Inc. is a black woman-owned non-profit committed to building a more equitable blue economy through marine conservation. We collaborate with nonprofit, private, and government clients globally to design and implement conservation initatives and ocean-climate solutions. Our community-led approach involves providing immersive field school opportunities, co-designing affordable technology for data collection, data visualization and more. We prioritize creating culturally relevant comunication products through our story lab, specificially tailored for small-scale fishing communities, yatch enthusiasts and cruisers. Join us in building local capacity and empowering communities to engage in STEM and marine resource management.
Our Mission
Modernizing how ocean data is collected and shared. Our type of data collection and information sharing means Black communities can contribute to global knowledge about the topics and places they care about and know best.
A Think and Do Tank
for the future of marine conservation.
Equity and social justice are at the heart of the science we need for the Ocean we want. We are commited to strengthening local capacity, cultivating talent and leadership.

See what we sea
Megafauna Species
(sharks, rays, turtles, dolphins, whales)
Environmental DNA Samples
Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS) Deployed
Our Impact continues...

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